June, 2022
In May 2022, Ukrainian Action team have conducted a survey among Ukrainians who have arrived to Ireland since the first day of war (24 February 2022). The aim of the survey was to understand the structure of the families who've arrived, how they were impacted by war and how they are settling in since their arrival.
Upon analysing the results, we've found many insights into several areas:
The survey contained 49 questions and only included individuals of age 18 and older. We've collected 2'191 responses. Amongst other questions, we've asked how many children and how many dependents did the respondents bring with them to Ireland. With children and dependents, the survey is thus representing a cohort of 4'787 Ukrainians. At the time of conducting the survey there were around ~34'000 Ukrainians registered according to Welfare statistics and ~24'000 of these individuals of age 18 and older.
We can thus speculate that the study included up to 14% of Ukrainians who have arrived to Ireland since 24th February.